Expology wins tender for groundbreaking experience in Denmark

05.12.2023, Oslo

Expology is thrilled to announce that we have won the international contest for the realization of the «Bibliarium» experience center in Copenhagen.

The first of its kind in the world, Bibliarium will be established in the beautiful St. Andrews Church from the late 1800s. In this historical setting, visitors travel back in time to examine biblical narratives and engage with the universal human experiences they tell of - such as friendship, community, love and hate, envy, failure, and hope. How are these eternal themes just as relevant today as they were 2000 years ago? Our concept touches on exactly that, and takes visitors on an immersive journey full of surprises and discovery.

«Expology's concept impressively interweaves role-playing, storytelling, scenography and technology to create an interactive experience that connects contemporary issues to biblical stories. This innovative concept creates a beautiful dialogue between the stories, the church building and modern participatory learning.» 

               - John Rydahl, Chairman of the Board, Bibliarium

As the lead developer for Bibliarium, Expology is responsible for the project in its entirety. Everything from exhibition and experience design to project management and technical building oversight. With over 25 years of experience and a broad network of vendors and partners in Denmark, Expology is a perfect match for bringing Bibliarium to life. We take a hands-on, collaborative approach to experience design, and don't shy away from the big, important topics.

«Our experience with previous projects has shown us the value of giving participants the opportunity to choose and express their own points of view. We want Bibliarium to be an experience where young people feel taken seriously and are inspired to explore life's complex challenges through a new lens, with the Bible's stories as context. Our vision is that young people will come out of a visit feeling better equipped to approach and discuss difficult topics.»

               - Kari Gjetrang, Administrative Director, Expology

The target audience, for now, is school groups and confirmands. But with big plans to eventually extend the offering to visitors of all ages, Bibliarium is designed with the general public in mind - everyone from families to tourists to team-building business outings. The project starts immediately, and is set to be completed towards the end of 2024.

Concept illustration of Bibliarium. Church interior with modern exhibition elements, including projection mapping on the vaulted ceiling.
Concept illustration for Bibliarium. © Expology 2023.

For more info, contact:

Kari Gjetrang, Administrative Director, Expology: +47 911 98 365 or kari@expology.no

John Rydahl, Chairman of the Board, Bibliarium: +45 26 13 69 96 or john.rydahl@gmail.com

Jan Erik Gullaksen, Media Communications: +47 408 29 858 or janerik@expology.no

Bibliarium is supported by:

The project is supported by several organisations, including Den A.P. Møllerske Støttefond with 15 milion DKK, Borgfonden with 3.4 million DKK, and an annual grant from the provosts of Copenhagen Stift of ca. 4 milion DKK.

Concept illustrations for Bibliarium. All images © Expology 2023.